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Sidney Poitier Pictures

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posted by Evvy
Please seek out and encourage Sydney Poitier to consider a great - grand dad roll on one of the new sit - coms on TV today. He would be such a great image (I am hoping)for our younsters. My request is both personal and selfish. Mr. Portier looks very much like my dad who died nearly 20 years ago and I am 1 of 5 girls with no brothers. I am 65 years old and would like to look at him (and I know my sisters would, as well)and remember the 'good - old days before I get to see my dad in heaven. Also, Betty White and Ed Asner are really showing the world that lfe reblooms after 70. Evelyn, Pat, Connie, Althea and in Memory of Tess
posted over a year ago
posted by keith williams
excellent wods can't explain the man was a visionary of elegance.sidney you inspire me to excel thank you.
posted over a year ago

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